Raccoon Eviction and Reunion

Four baby raccoons in their reunion box.

In a quiet neighborhood near Almaden Country Club, a family was awakened in the middle of the night by a loud noise on the roof. That's when she broke in...

Duane Titus collecting the babies.
Over the next few weeks, the family heard rustling and an occasional thump in the attic space above their living room. Then, finally, they heard the soft purring and chattering of baby raccoons.

Today we helped rid the house of its uninvited guests, but kept the raccoon family intact.

The babies were placed in a reunion box - a cardboard box filled with balled up and shredded newspaper. A portion of the box was placed on an electric heating pad and set next to the gate the mother used to access the roof.

The next morning, all the babies had been retrieved.

Check out the video:

For more on raccoons, please watch this amazing Nature episode, Raccoon Nation.

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